I Teach Love.

A space where we remember Truth, God, and Love IN the body, THROUGH the body, as embodied expression.

The answer…..

The answer is Union.

Union is not just how we relate and experience intimacy with the other.

Union is an embodied energetic frequency that exists through Union with God, creating harmonious inner Union. And to me, God is not limited to religious dogma, another box or label, God is pure Love and God cannot by diluted, contorted to suit our ego’s preferences. God is Union. Union has the power to alchemize illusion, ancestral trauma, resentment, distortion, fear, doubt, and actively wipes out the illusion of separation, which continues to wreak havoc on this earth. Through creating harmonious inner Union, integrating our wounding with the feminine and masculine, we OPEN ourselves to experiencing harmonious Union with the other. This is a journey of bridging the gap between polarities, while honoring differences. Union doesn’t just impact our relationships with others, it impacts our relationships with ourselves, our finances, our missions, our soul’s service, and everything in between. Union is the most powerful medicine available to us and I truly believe, with my whole being, that it has the power to heal the entire world.

In a world infiltrated by the illusion of separation, Union is the medicine that can heal us all.

Offering ceremonies, retreats, mentorships, and trainings, Kristina Love shares a wide array of different containers that are steeped in the medicines of Union & Love Alchemy, for inner and outer transformation, remembrance of truth, and embodied authentic expression. These spaces are designed to create lasting and long term healing, so we can walk with greater awareness, so we can take aligned action, so we can live in fulfillment, so we can experience liberation and freedom, in service to Love. Kristina lives and dances in the tantric realms and she is dedicated to infiltrating through many of the surface level myths and distortions of tantra, to get to the gold. In this space, we heal the fragmented aspects of ourselves, such as insecurity, with Love. We heal with Love, we heal with harmonious togetherness, rather than perpetuating more separation. We invite all aspects of ourselves to the kitchen table, to meet ourselves intimately. We learn true intimacy through our relationship to ourselves and then we experience what we bring to our relationship to ourselves in all of our relationships. Relationship is everything. Everything we need to heal and understand about ourselves can be understood through our relationship to ourselves and others.

  • “You are the one who helped me reach my true potential, you showed me who I am and God used you as an instrument to accept who I am. I don’t feel ashamed of my gifts anymore- I believe in myself and my gifts now. I have discovered my mission and am building a 3rd company with my brother to help kids and teenagers with healing, food, and shelter in North, Central, & South America. 1,000 kids in Guatemala have received school supplies through this non profit. I am giving everything to this service. My wife and marriage have completely changed-- she is trusting me and has been asking for healing support. We have fully chosen our marriage and we are evolving together. You helped me be more disciplined and to do the shadow work-- I feel free. I am free.” -Melvin, CEO / Business Owner / Non Profit Organizer / Father / Husband

  • “This integration has been one of the deepest spiritual experiences I’ve ever had! I’ve found myself connecting more to the purity and wholeness of my guides and ancestors. I’ve been reminded of my strength, wisdom, courage, and worth, through acknowledging that I am divinely cherished & loved at all times. I am finding myself leveling up so much in this training and integration, that the right people are finding and I am organically repelling who is not meant for me. My connection to Spirit is stronger than ever! I am also feeling super connected to my daily practices, which is feeling stronger than ever. I have a deeper understanding of my ancestral trauma and limiting beliefs in a way that feels supportive— I feel so supported and held in this healing process. I feel aware of the ways in which I dull my own light to people please, which is helping me make space for all of me to shine, regardless of what anyone thinks. I’ve been noticing that my children are thriving more as well— they’re receiving so many blessings and strangers are even noticing how special they are. I am whole and I’m not just saying it, but I am really feeling it. I recognize my words are my wand and I’m aware of what I attract through what I am embodying, which is supporting me to be mindful of what I allow myself to attract. I am feeling calm, confident, and good in my body!” -Courtney, Owner of the Saged Sol apothecary & wellness studio, mother & wife

  • "Because of your guided practice (my custom practice to connect with inner dominance and commanding energy), I realized I can be a noble man, and I feel more connected with my masculine character. It showed up in my professional life and with my wife and my family, where I stood my ground. I feel myself providing love and stability, even in the middle of a chaotic storm. I feel much more confident in being able to express my wisdom without fear of being judged! I feel transformed! This practice is maintaining me, giving me inspiration in continuing to remember my inner king and warrior." -Melvin

  • "Kristina gave me a gift today. I've had such a magickal day, I feel much more connected to Mother Earth and all the love around me. I feel so connected to my true essence. I am so grateful I met Kristina!! She stands powerfully in integrity and that's rare. I can feel the reverence she vibrates in carrying Kambo and this is also rare. I felt completely safe in preparation and I feel supported in integration as well. Thank you for guiding me with such safety, such care, and such divine feminine leadership today. The space you held has been completely life changing. Thank you for supporting me in finishing writing my second book." -Jessica, Women's Branding Mentor, Founder/previous CEO of Simply Be Agency, Best Selling Author of Be. & The Light Work, current host of Spiritual Hustler Podcast, Forbes Expert

  • "Mentoring with Kristina, I felt energetically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and psychically supported; She gave me a safe space to feel all my feelings without criticism and assisted me in rewiring my perception and perspective of myself and the world around me. My discipleship to self love and growth has transformed in numerous ways; I am able to journal quite regularly without a lot of resistance and make deeper connections with all aspects and facets of myself through contemplation and reflection practices. I am able to appreciate my consistent efforts of self- love and self acceptance and dive deeper than ever before while acknowledging that doing my best in this moment is in fact teaching me that I am enough as I am and assists me in continuing to be a better version of me without guilt or shame for who I’ve been in the past or my current version of self. Kristina has offered me unconditional love and acceptance and assisted me in forming a deeper relationship with myself, showing me through her own willingness, openness, vulnerability and honesty of her own life experiences how resonant energies connect me to a deeper understanding of myself and validating the interconnectedness between self and other; representing the oneness of the collective consciousness. Micro-dose therapy has assisted me within and throughout, as someone who has struggled most of my life with mental and emotional stability, mushroom spirit has brought me back into the safety of my body and has helped me in forming and connecting lasting neural pathways, integrating all the tools I’ve gathered throughout my unique life experiences. I am beyond thankful to have been blissed with the alignment of this opportunity to work and heal with this wonderful human and soul and be given the chance to embrace mushroom spirit’s magical offering of love and friendship in communion. Kristina and mushroom spirit has supported me in feeling more at home within myself; I am deeply grateful and am excited to continue my journey of self discovery, mastery and love." -Alessandro, mystic, fire keeper, + artist

  • "In addition to pretty intense (lifelong) depression & anxiety, I started experiencing PMDD in my early 40s. For 2 weeks every month (half of my life) I was just a shell of myself...in total despair, didn’t want to do anything or be with anyone (including my husband and son) nothing made me happy. I was on the verge constantly of a complete emotional breakdown or rage fit. SSRIs did nothing but remove all of the aspects of myself that I actually loved-- empathy, humor, curiosity. Six months ago, I finally started microdosing with Kristina’s signature blend, and can honestly say it has changed my entire life. I’m no longer on anti-anxiety or anti depression meds, my PMDD is now much more like typical PMS (which I can totally handle), and I am MUCH happier. I am kinder to myself, kinder to my husband, more present with our son. I finally feel like I have the strength to work on deconstructing my self limiting stories. It’s incredible. I am so grateful to have learned about Kristina Love and the medicine she shares. I’m literally a new person.” -Melissa, mother, wife, writer